Category: Branding

Power Vision Coaching and Consulting

HooPmedia created a custom web design and WordPress Theme, branded elements and new photography to set PowerVision Coaching and Consulting a notch above the competion. A review of existing tools and accounts led to a simplification of services. A busy

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SNAC time: Branding with Content Management Systems

Part 5 of 5, SNAC time for your brand-Content Getting your brand online requires coding your information so browsers can display it properly Content Management Systems (CMS) are designed to help you write your web content without having to learn

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SNAC time Branding Internet Access

Part 4 of 5, SNAC time for your brand-Access It should come as no surprise that in order to have an online brand you need an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to grant access to the Internet. As a small business

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SNAC time: Branding your web Name

Name your Brand

Part 3 of 5, SNAC time for your brand-Name Your web sites domain name stakes your claim in the Internet and defines your brand online. It is important to set it up properly at the very beginning to avoid problems,

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SNAC time : Small Business Branding with your web Server

Part 2 of 5, SNAC time for your brand-Server A website is essential today and the 4 SNAC components mentioned earlier are the stepping stones to getting your small business branded site up and running. If you have a site

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Small Business Branding–SNAC time

Part 1 of 5, SNAC time for your online Small Business Brand Small business branding on the web can impact your reputation in positive ways. Today’s web site must keep up with the trends or risk becoming passed over. Improvements

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What’s in a company name?

In a global age where names like Google,  Altria, Yahoo! and Yelp are common place it would seem anything goes. HooPmedia came to be in a circuitous series of events that mirror the growth of the Internet. Google didn’t exist in

Egan Binder

Egan Binder 2K

Egan Visual has offered visual communication tools to the Contract Office Furniture Industry since 1967. As a business to business B2B enterprise, marketing has been at the core of the business from the very beginning. Egan sells to companies including

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PowerX for PowerPoint™ 2003 Gallery Screen Shots 2003 Learn more about the site from that period here     .

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